
WAD Biological Drug High-end Forum



On June 18, 2021 Nanjing Innovation Week "Jianchuanghui" high-end biopharmaceutical forum was held at Nanjing International Exhibition Center. The forum was jointly organized by Jiangsu Science and Technology Association, Nanjing Jiangbei New District Management Committee, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute and other units. The theme of this forum is "The Current Status and Prospects of Living Cell Medicines".

Feng Shaodong, member and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology, Hu Yidong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, and Luo Shuqin, deputy director of the Life and Health Industry Development Management Office of Jiangbei New District, Nanjing City The forum brought wonderful special reports covering different fields such as technology research and development and industrial applications.

     Feng Shaodong said in his speech that the biomedical industry is one of the strategic emerging industries in Jiangsu Province. The Jiangsu Science and Technology Association hosted this forum to contribute to the development of Jiangsu's biomedical industry. In his speech, Hu Yidong pointed out that Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute has been committed to the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. The team of the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Research Institute of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute led by Professor Hua Zichun has been working hard in the field of biopharmaceuticals. Take advantage of the opportunity of organizing this forum, gather wisdom, strengthen exchanges, and achieve greater results. Luo Shuqin introduced the development of the biopharmaceutical industry in Jiangbei New Area, and extended a sincere invitation to all the participants, hoping that industry colleagues will actively participate in promoting the development of the biopharmaceutical industry in Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing.

     Cell living medicine is an emerging treatment technology for precision treatment and immunotherapy of major diseases. Experts and scholars presenting for the conference include: Wang Guangji, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zheng Junnian, President of Xuzhou Medical University, Gu Zhen, Dean of Zhejiang University School of Pharmacy, Fan Guoping, Professor of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Hua Zichun, Dean of the School of Biopharmaceuticals, China Pharmaceutical University , Li Yuexi, Director of the East China Institute of Medical Biotechnology, Dr. Fan Xiaohu from Nanjing Legend Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Dr. Feng Zhenqing from the Key Laboratory of Antibody Technology of the National Health Commission of Nanjing Medical University. The atmosphere was lively. Also participating in the forum were biopharmaceutical research teams and industry professionals from Nanjing University, Southeast University, China Pharmaceutical University and other universities.

This forum was held concurrently with the 2021 Nanjing International Science, Education, Technology and Equipment Expo. The contents of the exhibition mainly included biotechnology, laboratory safety, scientific research instruments and other fields. The forum received Danaher Life Sciences, Shanghai Aifei Electronics, Jiangsu Xinhaitian, With the strong support of Shanghai Youningwei and other companies, the participants visited the exhibition and conducted extensive exchanges with participating companies.

As one of the leading players in the domestic new special instrument industry, Shanghai Aifei Electronics was invited to attend this event. The IVIM small animal in-situ cell dynamic analysis and imaging system completely optimizes the live cell level. Live animal imaging-imaging for living tissue/cells Provide a variety of optimization modules, almost all living organs/tissue imaging available animal models, provide technical support for different target organs/tissue imaging of different mouse models and fast real-time recording & high-quality video/image data, use the polygon scanning system to obtain the best quality Real-time average recording (D mode) has motion compensation function, real-time recording and capture denoising function (H mode), high-quality real-time video and images have an absolute advantage in clarity compared to any other products. The second biological forum has attracted the attention of various universities and enterprises