
WAD was invited to participate in the



On June 10, 2021, our company accepted the invitation to participate in the "Pharmacy Development Frontier Forum". Mr. Liu Zhankui attended the forum as an outstanding entrepreneur on behalf of our company.

   The "Forefront of Pharmaceutical Development Forum" was successfully held in the Translational Medicine Building on the Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Professor Yao Wenbing, the chairman of the pharmacy teaching guidance committee of the Ministry of Education, the vice president of China Pharmaceutical University, and the main leaders from nearly ten pharmacy schools across the country, discussed the school's school thinking and discipline development direction in the face of national strategic needs. Exchanges and discussions on major issues such as talent training model, international education reform, and original innovation focus. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Vice President of Shanghai Jiaotong University Ding Kuiling, Deputy Dean Wu Jingyi, Dean of Graduate School Wang Yaguang, Party Secretary Liu Jianxin, Dean Zhang Ao, School of Pharmacy and some outstanding enterprises participated in related activities. The forum was hosted by Zhang Ao.

     Ding Kuiling delivered an opening speech and extended a warm welcome to the guests who came to the forum. Ding Kuiling said that biomedicine is one of the three emerging strategic industries that Shanghai will focus on developing. As an important source of original innovation and a place where top-notch innovative talents are produced, the university will closely integrate the national innovation-driven strategic needs, and be guided by a strong foundation and heavy cross-cutting, cultivating outstanding innovative talents with diversified development, and tackling key drug research and development core technologies. It is hoped that this forum can build an exchange platform focusing on personnel training and scientific research, further promote the connotative development of Jiaotong University's pharmacy, and make greater contributions to exploring new models, new paths, and new patterns of pharmacy development.

     Starting from subject construction and postgraduate training, Wang Yaguang pointed out that under the background of the new era of accelerating the construction of a pharmacy education system with Chinese characteristics and vigorously promoting the cultivation of pharmacy talents, the School of Pharmacy of Jiaotong University is in the process of deepening reform and rapid development. The postgraduate education of Jiaotong University pharmacy will focus on the key disciplines, meet the major needs of the development of the industry, accelerate the interdisciplinary research of pharmacy and the cultivation of innovative talents. It is expected that the participating experts can provide suggestions for the development of Jiaotong University pharmacy and seek common development.

     Yao Wenbing made a theme report entitled "New Thoughts on the Construction of Pharmacy Discipline under the Background of Medical Education Reform". The report comprehensively sorts out the development history of China's higher pharmacy education and major reforms in pharmacy education, deeply analyzes the new situation and new problems faced by pharmacy education under the background of medical education reform, and puts forward the goal of pharmacy talent training of "knowledge of medicine, good research and good results" At the same time, it discusses the main mode of innovative drug research talent training, and further elaborates the development concept of "New Pharmacy", that is, pay more attention to the in-depth intersection and integration of disciplines to build a modern pharmacy discipline system.

    Then, Zhang Ao gave a detailed introduction to the guests on the development history, development status, 14th Five-Year Plan and layout of the School of Pharmacy of Jiaotong University. He said that the School of Pharmacy of Jiaotong University is at important moments such as the fifth round of evaluation of the pharmacy discipline, undergraduate pharmacy professional certification, and the top-notch plan 2.0 pharmacy base application. The whole hospital is facing new challenges and new opportunities, and is undergoing comprehensive reforms to strive for realization. New leap in development.

    The experts at the meeting discussed new opportunities and new problems in the construction of the pharmacy discipline, and provided forward-looking and constructive suggestions for the development of pharmacy at Jiaotong University.

     Gu Zhen, Dean of the School of Pharmacy of Zhejiang University, Zhen Xuechu, Dean of the School of Pharmacy of Soochow University, and Lin Li, Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Wenzhou Medical University ", "Explorations on the construction of the pharmacy discipline of Wenzhou Medical University featuring biopharmaceuticals" as the topic, shared their exploration and characteristics in the construction of pharmacy disciplines and the cultivation of pharmacy talents.

     The conference also focused on the frontiers of pharmacy development, and exchanged discussions around current pharmacy research hotspots. Yin Hang, Associate Dean of School of Pharmacy, Tsinghua University, Ding Ke, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Jinan University, Qin Yong, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Luo Haibin, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Hainan University, Sheng Chunquan, Dean of School of Pharmacy, Naval Military Medical University, Associate of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University Dean Li Cong used "Chemical Intervention Targeting Glucose Transporters", "Protein Kinase Inhibitor Drugs-"The End of the Crossbow", or "The Myth of Immortality", "Industrial Synthesis of Natural Medicines with Complex Structures", and "Supercomputing Driven "Precision Drug Discovery", "Research on the Discovery of Original Antifungal Drugs Based on New Targets and New Molecular Frameworks", "Tumor Surgery Strategies Based on Visualization of Metabolic Molecular Boundaries", focusing on the source innovation of new drugs and core key technologies of drugs, sharing the latest drug development The results provided an academic feast for teachers and students on site.

     Finally, Zhang Ao, on behalf of the School of Pharmacy, thanked all the guests for coming to the meeting and making a concluding speech on this forum. He said that the wonderful speeches of the participating experts have a lot of inspiration and reference for the development plan of the School of Pharmacy of Jiaotong University. He hopes to use this as an opportunity to promote new progress and breakthroughs in the work of the School of Pharmacy. He hopes that in the future, he will continue to work closely with brother colleges and join hands. Go forward together to jointly promote the vigorous development of my country's pharmaceutical industry and the deep integration of industry, university and research, and jointly accumulate momentum for the cultivation of comprehensive talents and high-quality development in my country's pharmaceutical field.